Soft Power, Disinformation, and Censorship featuring Sarah Cook


Soft Power, Disinformation, and Censorship featuring Sarah Cook

Nov 18, 2020 1 min read

Former Senior Policy Analyst, Asian Studies Center

Olivia specialized in human rights and national security challenges in Asia.
The Chinese Communist Party's use of soft power, disinformation, and censorship in its influence campaign. NatanaelGinting/Getty Images

Olivia Enos interviews Sarah Cook on the Chinese Communist Party's use of soft power, disinformation, and censorship in its influence campaign. Sarah Cook is the Research Director for China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong at Freedom House and author of the Beijing's Global Megaphone report.

Every year, Freedom House releases Global FreedomInternet Freedom, and Democracy scores.

Find more "China Uncovered" episodes here.

Other Freedom House reports mentioned:

Freedom in the World 2020

Freedom on the Net 2020

Freedom House's China Media Bulletin is a monthly bulletin on censorship, media freedom, and internet freedom issues related to the People's Republic of China, drawing on both English and Chinese-language sources.