When you're talking Medicare, you're talking numbers. Here are
some figures lawmakers should know as they work on a compromise
Medicare bill to send to President Bush:
38. The number of years Medicare has existed without serious
77, 000,000. The number of baby boomers who will retire starting in
$400,000,000,000. The minimum estimate to pay for a plan that
offers prescription drugs
to all Medicare patients in the first 10 years.
$2,000,000,000,000. What The Heritage Foundation estimates to be
the cost of a Medicare prescription drug entitlement by 2030.
4,000. The number of government employees who run Medicare.
43. The number of years the Federal Employee Health Benefits
Program (FEHBP), the best model for Medicare reform, has existed
with multiple health plans, patient choice and solid prescription
drug coverage.
9,000,000. The estimated number of federal retirees, workers and
family members covered under FEHBP.
160. The number of federal workers who run FEHBP.
1. The number of chances lawmakers have to get this right before
it's too late.
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"Medicare Maladies," contact [email protected] or call
Heritage Media Services at (202) 675-1761.
Report Health Care Reform
Medicare Malady #55: Medicare By The Numbers
October 2, 2003 1 min read
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