June 21, 2023 The People’s Justice: Clarence Thomas and the Constitutional Stories that Define Him
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion about Justice Clarence Thomas as a man of courage, wisdom, and compassion. Three former Supreme Court litigators who argued landmark cases before the Supreme Court share their views on Thomas’ jurisprudence and the real and human side to his judicial decision-making.
Co-hosted by the Federalist Society.
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
The Heritage Foundation

Hosted by
For thirty years, Clarence Thomas has been denounced as the “cruelest justice,” a betrayer of his race, an ideologue, and the enemy of the little guy. In his new book, The People’s Justice, Judge Amul Thapar examines Thomas as a man and the jurist and rightfully demolishes this unfair caricature.
Through a series of eye-opening stories, stripped of their legalese, Thapar recounts ordinary Americans whose struggles for justice reached the Supreme Court and shines new light on the heart and mind of Clarence Thomas, whose originalist jurisprudence delivers equal justice under the law.
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion with Judge Thapar about Justice Thomas as a man of courage, wisdom, and compassion. Three former Supreme Court litigators who argued landmark cases before the Supreme Court, each highlighted in the book, will also share their views on Thomas’ jurisprudence and the real and human side to his judicial decision-making.
Would you want to live in Justice Thomas’ America? After listening to these often-untold stories, we expect the answer would be a resounding “Yes!”
COMMENTARY 5 min read
COMMENTARY 8 min read
COMMENTARY 4 min read