June 30, 2020 WEBINAR: Responding to the Chinese Communist Party’s Mishandling of COVID-19
Since the start of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has obfuscated important information about COVID-19.
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Hosted by
Since the start of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has obfuscated important information about COVID-19. The Chinese government has silenced whistleblowers, forcibly disappeared citizen journalists, and misreported infection and death rates from COVID-19. Civil society and other critical responders, like Taiwan, have been sidelined. The CCP’s early decision to limit knowledge about the novel coronavirus significantly hampered other countries’ ability to respond to their own domestic outbreaks. The international community is now exploring various options for holding the CCP accountable. Join us for a conversation of how the U.S. and other countries can take effective, independent, and apolitical measures to hold the CCP accountable for mishandling COVID-19.
Heritage convened the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission to make recommendations for state and local governments, the Trump administration, Congress, and the private sector. Learn more at CoronavirusCommission.com.
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