Katharine Cornell Gorka

Katharine Cornell Gorka

Former Research Fellow, Outreach

Katie Gorka was a research fellow for outreach at The Heritage Foundation.

This expert is no longer a staff member at The Heritage Foundation.

Katie Gorka was a research fellow for outreach at The Heritage Foundation.

In 2016, Katie joined the Trump Transition Team and then served as a senior advisor in the Office of Policy at the Department of Homeland Security from 2017 to 2019, where she focused on strategies for prevention of terrorism and targeted violence and combatting use of the internet for terrorism and human trafficking. From June to August 2019, she served as the press secretary for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

As President of the Threat Knowledge Group from 2014 to 2017, Katie provided expertise and training on irregular warfare and terrorism to the FBI, US Army Special Forces, Marine Corps, and law enforcement. From 2009 to 2014, was the Executive Director of the Westminster Institute, which conducted research and education on threats posed by extremist ideologies. 

Katie was born in Boston and grew up in various places on the East Coast, from Franconia, New Hampshire, to Asheville, North Carolina. She earned her B.A. in Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her M.Sc. in Politics of the World Economy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She lived in Budapest, Hungary for twelve years, where she worked on aspects of the post-communist transition, including projects to help rebuild civil society.

Today Katie lives in McLean, Virginia with her husband Sebastian Gorka. They have a son and a daughter. 


Action Civics Is Teaching Our Kids to Protest Katharine Cornell Gorka

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Can the Structures of Inequality Be Overcome? Katharine Cornell Gorka

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What Lincoln Would Tell Us About How to Preserve Our Republic Katharine Cornell Gorka

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Standing Up to "Wokeness" and the Intolerance of the Mob Katharine Cornell Gorka

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Why We Must Advocate for Better Civics Education in Our Schools Katharine Cornell Gorka

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Freedom, If You Can Keep It Katharine Cornell Gorka

May 4, 2020 3 min read