No Choice, No Exit
The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care
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This important book exposes the high price of ‘free’ care—long waits for treatments, doctor shortages, lower quality care, and soaring costs. Tragically, that often leaves the most vulnerable behind. Heritage scholars reveal this truth and point to a better path that puts doctors and patients in control of health care decisions.”
Grace-Marie Turner
President, Galen Institute
In the wake of the failures of the Affordable Care Act, our nation is now engaged in another debate about health care reform as we face an aging population harboring a large burden of risk factors and chronic diseases. Almost inexplicably, single-payer health care has found new support, despite its decades of documented failures in other countries to provide timely, quality medical care. Clearly, this moment cries out for the truth about single-payer health care—conclusions from historical evidence and data. I highly recommend this book to all those who believe that facts matter.”
Scott W. Atlas, MD
Hoover Institution
Big government is especially pernicious when asserting control over an individual’s health care. A bill which received an all-day hearing in a House of Representatives committee would do just that, resulting in a complete government takeover of health care. This book provides a go-to source as we continue the difficult debates about the federal presence in health care.”
Rep. Michael C. Burgess (R-TX-26), MD
United States House of Representatives
No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care cuts through the rhetoric to explain the consequences of proposals purporting to save a family money by raising their taxes and limiting their health care choices. The publication is timely as health care will be part of the debate for the presidential campaign and into the next Congress. Americans who wish to understand this debate should read this book”
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), MD
United States Senate
Health reform remains a top priority for Americans. They’re concerned about high costs, access, and choice. This book explicitly shows how the Left’s plan for your health care fails to address those concerns.”
John Goodman, PhD
Father of Health Savings Accounts and co-author of best-selling book "Patient Power"
This important collection cuts through the Left’s rhetoric on health care to highlight the danger of over-centralization and government control. American health care faces real problems, but the Left would only double down on them.”
Yuval Levin, PhD
Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at American Enterprise Institute and Editor in Chief, National Affairs
It has never been more important than now to understand what a single-payer system would mean. This is a ‘must read.’”
Gail Wilensky, PhD
Economist and Senior Fellow, Project Hope