How Did College Get So Expensive?

Fall 2019 Insider

How Did College Get So Expensive?

Nov 20, 2019 1 min read

How Did College Get So Expensive?
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Today’s typical college student pays more than $23,000 annually in tuition, fees, room and board. Many graduate with a diploma in hand and crippling debt over their heads.

The growing bureaucratization of academia doubtless helps drive costs through the roof. A 2014 study by the New England Center for Investigative Reporting and the American Institutes for Research found that the number of university professionals who neither teach nor conduct research had more than doubled in 25 years. Most of that administrative bloat comes in the form of mid-level bureaucrats performing non-essential tasks peripheral to the attainment of higher education.

And did we mention academic rent-seeking? Professors of the less popular disciplines have engaged in this dubious practice—quite successfully—for years. To learn more, read this article.