Brexit at the Crossroads: Why U.S. Support for a Far-Reaching Agreement is Vital

Event Europe
Event Europe

September 19, 2018 Brexit at the Crossroads: Why U.S. Support for a Far-Reaching Agreement is Vital

No two allies are closer than the United Kingdom and the United States, and Mr. Paterson will outline how Brexit can further strengthen the Special Relationship as a powerful force for free trade and innovation on the world stage.

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2018

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC

Featured Speakers

The Right Honourable Owen Paterson


UK Member of Parliament for North Shropshire Former UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Former UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union was the single largest vote in British history, backed by 17.4 million people. Owen Paterson was one of the leading Conservative figures in the 2016 Brexit campaign, and has been a prominent and influential voice on the UK’s exit from the EU. 

In his speech to The Heritage Foundation, Mr. Paterson will outline why he believes the recent Brexit “Chequers” proposal fails to deliver on earlier promises to leave the Single Market, the Customs Union and the European Court of Justice, ultimately tying the UK to European Union rules under the jurisdiction of the European Court. He will explain why it falls a long way short of the clean, free-trading Brexit voted for by the British people, and will result in the UK failing to fully take back control of its trade, laws and borders.

He will make the case that the United Kingdom must set its own regulatory framework, tailored to the needs of its economy, to advance growth and prosperity beyond the EU’s protectionist walls. It must recognise that 90 per cent of economic growth over the next decade will be outside the EU, and negotiate free trade deals with countries around the world who seek freer trade with the UK. 

No two allies are closer than the United Kingdom and the United States, and Mr. Paterson will also outline how Brexit can further strengthen the Special Relationship as a powerful force for free trade and innovation on the world stage.

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