When Harry Met Meghan: Royal Engagement Is Great News for U.S.-UK Special Relationship


When Harry Met Meghan: Royal Engagement Is Great News for U.S.-UK Special Relationship

Nov 28, 2017 1 min read
Nile Gardiner, PhD

Director, Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow

Nile Gardiner is Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at The Sunken Garden, Kensington Palace, London, UK, on the 27th November 2017. James Whatling / MEGA

Key Takeaways

Prince Harry’s engagement to Meghan Markle will be a boost to the U.S.-UK special relationship.

Afghanistan veteran and leading campaigner for wounded warriors, Prince Harry appears destined to be an outstanding ambassador for Great Britain.

Their marriage will strengthen the ties between the United States and the United Kingdom, at a time when American and British leadership is essential.

Prince Harry’s engagement to Meghan Markle will be a boost to the U.S.-UK special relationship. The Los Angeles-born actress will wed the fifth in line to the British throne next spring, in what will likely be one of the most watched global events of 2018.

The wedding will further reinforce the ties that bind Great Britain and the United States, the two most powerful forces for freedom on the world stage. It will be a fitting symbol of the close-knit, enduring international partnership that has been in place for over 70 years.

The wedding is also excellent news for Britain’s monarchy, which retains its position as the world’s most powerful Royal Family. At the age of just 33, Prince Harry is already a hugely popular figure in Britain.

There is tremendous goodwill toward Harry and the Royal Family as a whole, with opinion polls showing strong public backing for the monarchy. Support for the monarchy has steadily risen in Britain in recent years, a reflection of the popularity of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest reigning monarch, as well as Princes William and Harry, who have played an increasingly prominent public role.

Prince Harry has earned the public’s admiration. An Afghanistan war veteran, he showed great courage and leadership on the battlefield in southern Helmand province, where he served two tours of duty with the Household Cavalry Regiment. His bravery fighting the Taliban was a powerful demonstration of the British warrior spirit. It moved then Chief of the General Staff Sir Richard Dannatt to declare that Prince Harry was a "credit to the nation."

In the years since, the young prince has emerged as a leading campaigner for wounded warriors, serving as a patron with the charity Walking with the Wounded. He appears destined to be an outstanding ambassador for Great Britain.

Great Britain’s Royal Family plays a vital role in strengthening and uniting the British nation, and in representing the British people across the world. It is a powerful symbol of the defining values and character of the British nation.

Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle will play an important role in the coming decades in ensuring that Britain’s monarchy continues to flourish. Their marriage will also strengthen the ties between the United States and the United Kingdom, at a time when American and British leadership is essential.

This piece originally appeared in Fox News

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