SCOTUS 101: The Bacon Wars?


SCOTUS 101: The Bacon Wars?

Oct 14, 2022 1 min read

Commentary By

GianCarlo Canaparo @GCCanaparo

Senior Legal Fellow, Edwin Meese III Center

Zack Smith @tzsmith

Senior Legal Fellow, Meese Center for Legal Studies

The Supreme Court iStock

It was a quiet week for orders, but a very exciting week for oral arguments. Your hosts discuss the copyright fight between the Andy Warhol Foundation and legendary rock-and-roll photographer Lynn Goldsmith, and the ideologically unpredictable Bacon Case, which might spark economic warfare between the states. GianCarlo then interviews Braden Boucek of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, and the two chat about fighting race essentialism in schools and the conservative legal movement. Last up, Zack grills GianCarlo about the Supreme Court's art cases.

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