This expert is no longer a staff member at The Heritage Foundation.
Drew Gonshorowski focused his research and writing on the nation’s new health care law, including the repercussions for Medicare and Medicaid, as a research fellow in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation. He also studied economic mobility and the Austrian school of economics.
Gonshorowski joined Heritage in 2011 and holds a master’s degree in economics from Suffolk University in Boston, MA, where he studied public choice and public finance. He received a bachelor of science degree in economics from Hillsdale College.
As a member of the team in the Center for Data Analysis (CDA), he helped maintain scores of databases to support strategic research; provide confidential reviews of legislation for members of Congress; and supply data and analysis for news organizations. Among agencies and programs included in CDA’s databases are the Census Bureau, Internal Revenue Service, Social Security and Medicare.
Along with a variety of analytical models, the databases allowed Heritage to calculate how policy changes affect individuals and families as well as the economy. Gonshorowski ran and maintained the micro-simulation model.
Nov 22, 2021 3 min read