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Displaying 19993 - 20004 of 21740 Results


Municipal Services: The Privatization Option Robert W. Jr.

Jan 11, 1983 24 min read


Privatization in America's Cities: Lessons for Washington - Part I Edmund F.

May 31, 1988 22 min read


The Private Property Rights Act: Forcing Federal Regulators to Obey the Bill ... William G. Laffer III

Apr 3, 1992 24 min read


Chairman Oberstar's Transportation Plan: A Costly Exercise in Social Engineering Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

Dec 10, 2009 26 min read


Why the Clinton Health Plan Is in Trouble Stuart M.

Jul 20, 1993 25 min read


National Security in an Uncertain Age General Barry R. McCaffrey, USA (Ret.)

Apr 29, 2014 27 min read


Why is the Biden White House Kicking Reporters Out?

This week, we spoke to veteran White House Reporter Fred Lucas and Daily Signal Executive Editor Rob Bluey to find out what’s


Issue Brief

The President Must Revitalize the U.S. Strategic Arsenal

Mar 1, 2024 18 min read