WASHINGTON – President Trump signed an executive order to put a check on the growing deficit by forcing departments and agencies to pay for administrative actions that increase mandatory spending. Paul Winfree, Director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies and former Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy as well the Director of Budget Policy in the White House, said the following:
Securing long-term economic growth and prosperity for future generations won’t come without serious reforms to federal spending. Just as Congress should pursue fiscal restraint, so too should the executive branch. President Trump’s executive order changes the status quo of administrative changes made with no regard to their impact on the deficit. This is an important step towards fiscal sustainability.
Where there’s a will to secure America’s financial footing, Heritage’s annual Blueprint for Balance and recent recommendations for the President’s FY2021 Budget, provide Congress and the Administration with the way forward. With more than 250 specific, actionable proposals policymakers have the solutions to rein in spending and right-size the federal government.