Statement by Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James on the Death of Jeff Bell

Statement by Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James on the Death of Jeff Bell

Feb 13, 2018 1 min read

Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James issued the following statement on the death of Jeff Bell:


“Policy victories in the arena of ideas don’t just happen. They require stalwart champions who make a difference both in front of and behind the scenes. Jeff Bell was one of those champions.


“He understood how conservative solutions could help the hard-working men and women of this great country, and through his work with leaders such as Ronald Reagan, he left behind a legacy of freedom. And he did it with a grace and a dignity that is all too rare in our hyper-politicized age.


“We’ll miss Jeff—his inquiring mind, his generous heart, and his noble voice. Those qualities are in short supply today, and sorely needed.”