STATEMENT: Previewing President Trump's UN Speech

STATEMENT: Previewing President Trump's UN Speech

Sep 19, 2017 1 min read

In preparation of Pres. Donald Trump's first address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, Brett Schaefer released the following statement previewing the speech and articulating the priorities upon which he should focus: 

“As he did in Poland, Pres. Trump should use his platform at the United Nations (U.N.) today to make a compelling case for America’s foreign policy goals and issue a full-throated defense our partners around the world. I believe he will do just that. On the vital issues of international importance, such as addressing the threats to peace and stability posed by North Korea and Iran, the United States must lead from a position of strength. The president should also challenge the organization, and the member states, to confront the U.N.’s problems and propose solutions. The president's 'America First' policy is, foremost, the preeminent pursuit of U.S. interests and those of our partners around the globe. With this speech, Pres. Trump has the opportunity to reverse the Obama administration’s ‘leading from behind’ legacy. He should take advantage of it.” 

Read more from Brett here.