The Essential Electoral College

COMMENTARY Election Integrity

The Essential Electoral College

Sep 14, 2020 1 min read
Jessica Reinsch

Deputy Director of Programs, Edwin Meese III Center

Jessica Reinsch is Deputy Director of Programs for the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

Key Takeaways

Our system for electing the President was carefully crafted by the Framers and has worked successfully for over 200 years, protecting and nurturing our Republic.

The National Popular Vote Movement aims to circumvent the constitutional amendment process and manipulate the Electoral College out of existence.

Every American should be concerned that the Electoral College is under siege by an effort that would radicalize the U.S. political system.

In 2020, The Heritage Foundation launched an important educational campaign to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the Electoral College. Our system for electing the President was carefully crafted by the Framers and has worked successfully for over 200 years, protecting and nurturing our Republic.

Our a newly released eBook, The Essential Electoral College, seeks to inform the public and elected officials about the often-underappreciated genius of the Framers’ design of the Electoral College. This eBook walks readers through the merits of the Electoral College, covering the purpose, structure, and its numerous benefits.

Most importantly, the eBook sounds the alarm on a current threat that imperils the future of the Electoral College: The National Popular Vote Movement (NPV). The National Popular Vote Movement is an orchestrated campaign, targeting state legislatures across the country, which aims to circumvent the constitutional amendment process and manipulate the Electoral College out of existence. This new scheme, being pushed by activists and misguided state legislators, has unfortunately started to gain serious traction in several states.

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So far, 15 states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington) and the District of Columbia, representing a combined 196 electoral votes, have approved the proposed scheme. The NPV is therefore 73 percent of the way to its goal of 270 votes—and to the activation of this unconstitutional, politically dubious, and dangerous cartel.

Every American should be concerned that the Electoral College is under siege by an effort that would radicalize the U.S. political system and marginalize the voices of smaller states. We encourage you to read and share our new booklet to help spread the word!