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News Releases

The Heritage Foundation Announces New Innovation Prize for the Center for Christian Virtue

May 20, 2024 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced that it has selected the Center for Christian Virtue as a recipient of the Heritage Innovation Prize. 

The Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) will receive a $100,000 award to support its Education Restoration Initiative, addressing Ohio’s academically broken and morally corrupt government-run education system. They’ll expand its Ohio Christian Education Network (OCEN) model, providing for a full-time, in-person Christian school Monday through Friday. CCV plans on leveraging Ohio's state voucher program to offer this moral and quality education to students at little to no cost, especially to those below the federal poverty line. Lastly, CCV intends to launch dozens of schools across Ohio and export this model to every state to serve and save children.      

Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts released a statement upon announcement of the award:   

"Countless organizations and families are on the front lines fighting for our kids, and we need them now more than ever to reject the Left's radical indoctrination agenda. So much of our nation's societal decay stems from our education system, and institutions like CCV are spearheading the effort to save our children and restore morality and sanity in our schools. It's a privilege to support and celebrate their righteous efforts, which will undoubtedly restore quality and sound curriculum for future generations in Ohio and our great nation." 

Aaron Baer, president of the Center for Christian Virtue, also released a statement:   

"Our nation is facing an education crisis. Too many agenda driven bureaucrats are pushing political ideologies in the classroom, while fundamentally failing the next generation academically. Center for Christian Virtue’s Ohio Christian Education Network (OCEN) has proven that when churches, Christian schools, and community leaders come together, we can create new and better opportunities for families by fighting for school choice, parental rights, and religious freedom. Thanks to the Heritage Foundation’s leadership and support, we can and will build new institutions to transform culture and change lives.” 

This is the fourth round of Heritage Innovation Prizes to be awarded. In 2023, winners of the prize included Communio, the National Association of Scholars, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Speech First, and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. These awards are sponsored by The Heritage Foundation’s robust endowment for innovative conservative projects.  

For more information on the most recent Innovation Prize awards, read here, or for information on the inaugural awards, read here. For more information about the prize itself, read here

News Releases

The Heritage Foundation Announces New Innovation Prize for the Immigration Accountability Project

May 20, 2024 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced that it has selected The Immigration Accountability Project (IAP) as a recipient of the Heritage Innovation Prize.

The Immigration Accountability Project (IAP) will receive a $100,000 award to support its aims to keep the immigration issue and the ongoing border crisis on voters' minds through the end of 2024. IAP will create engaging content and use geo-targeted social media ads to educate voters on what their Members of Congress are—or are not—doing to change and improve immigration policy and how those actions impact public safety, education, healthcare, and competition for other public resources.

Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts released a statement upon announcement of the award:  

“The ongoing incursion at our southern border and ensuing crime in America’s cities is out of control and comes with a devastating cost to countless innocent families. I am proud to support organizations like IAP, which, like Heritage, are tackling the issue of immigration and holding our leaders accountable for their dereliction of duty. Now more than ever, we must preserve our national identity and restore our justice system by enforcing existing U.S. law, securing our border, and deporting those who have illegally entered our open border.” 

Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, also released a statement:  

"The Immigration Accountability Project is grateful to receive the Innovation Prize from Heritage. The outcome of the November elections will have a critical impact on the future of America’s border security and immigration policies. With the Innovation Prize, IAP will create engaging content to educate the largest number of voters on the actions, votes, and statements of their Members of Congress and candidates for federal office to help voters make the most informed decisions at the polls." 

The Heritage Innovation Prize recognizes and provides substantive financial awards totaling up to $1 million annually to results-oriented nonprofits for projects involving research, litigation, education, outreach, or communications, particularly those focused on empowering parents in education, holding Big Tech accountable, countering the threat of the Chinese Communist Party, securing America’s borders and reducing crime, ensuring free and fair elections, reducing the growth of spending and inflation, and promoting life and family formation. 

This is the fourth round of Heritage Innovation Prizes to be awarded. In 2023, winners of the prize included Communio, the National Association of Scholars, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Speech First, and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. These awards are sponsored by The Heritage Foundation’s robust endowment for innovative conservative projects. 

For more information on the most recent Innovation Prize awards, read here, or for information on the inaugural awards, read here. For more information about the prize itself, read here

News Releases

Heritage Foundation Announces New Innovation Prize for the American Accountability Foundation

May 20, 2024 3 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today announced that it has selected the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) as a recipient of the Heritage Innovation Prize.  

The American Accountability Foundation will receive a $100,000 award in support of their investigative researchers, in-depth reports, and educational efforts to alert Congress, a conservative administration, and the American people to the presence of anti-American bad actors burrowed into the administrative state and ensure appropriate action is taken. 

In recent years, AAF amassed noteworthy victories in their efforts to promote transparency and accountability for the American people. Last year, after more than a year of educating lawmakers and the American people about President Biden’s FCC nominee, Gigi Sohn, AAF successfully contributed to Sohn’s nomination withdrawal. The organization has also created a project called, a go-to resource for policy workers and their staff as they consider Biden’s nominations. 

Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts released a statement upon announcement of the award:  

“The weaponization of the federal government under President Joe Biden is only possible because of the deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats in the White House and its agencies. I am proud to support the outstanding work of AAF in their fight to hold our government accountable and drain it of bad actors determined to undermine our constitutional republic and weaponize government against the American people, our economy, and our institutions.” 

Tom Jones, the American Accountability Foundation, also released a statement:  

“The American Accountability Foundation is thrilled to receive the Innovation Prize from Heritage. It is a great honor. AAF works to hold Biden, his allies on the left, and deep state bureaucrats accountable by exposing information about them others are unable or unwilling to uncover. Whether it's the border crisis, the scourge of ESG, or corrupt government officials, AAF's team of elite investigators pulls back the curtain and gives the American people the full truth. We look forward to exposing the leftist bureaucrats who are at the center of the border invasion so the next administration can close the border.” 

The Heritage Innovation Prize recognizes and provides substantive financial awards totaling up to $1 million annually to results-oriented nonprofits for projects involving research, litigation, education, outreach, or communications, particularly those focused on empowering parents in education, holding Big Tech accountable, countering the threat of the Chinese Communist Party, securing America’s borders and reducing crime, ensuring free and fair elections, reducing the growth of spending and inflation, and promoting life and family formation. 

This is the fourth round of Heritage Innovation Prizes to be awarded. In 2023, winners of the Prize included Communio, the National Association of Scholars, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Speech First, and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. These awards are sponsored by The Heritage Foundation’s robust endowment for innovative conservative projects. 

For more information on the most recent Innovation Prize awards, read here, or for information on the inaugural awards, read here. For more information about the prize itself, read here

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. The Heritage Foundation reaches more than 10 million members, advocates, and concerned Americans every day with information on critical issues facing America. 


Heritage Foundation Opens New Barb Van Andel-Gaby Building

May 21, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced the opening of the Barb Van Andel-Gaby building, the latest addition to Heritage’s headquarters on Capitol Hill.

Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts released the following statement about the new building:

I am thrilled to announce the opening of the new Barb Van Andel-Gaby Building. This building is a physical symbol of the work Heritage is doing every day to support and serve as a resource for the conservative movement. Now is a time to add and multiply within our movement. With this building, Heritage is doubling its commitment to supporting the institutions and organizations fighting to save America. We are grateful to our board chair, Barb Van Andel-Gaby, and all our generous supporters and excited for Heritage to continue to serve as a resource to convene, cohere, and support the conservative movement.

The new Barb Van Andel-Gaby Building is a testament to Heritage’s growth and modernization. It boasts state-of-the-art TV, radio, and podcast studios (eight in total), new conference spaces, a ballroom for large events, and additional office spaces. This marks the final phase of a 10-year-long expansion for Heritage, which included over 45,000 square feet of renovations across its 250,000 square-foot campus on Massachusetts Avenue. With office space for over 400 employees and more than two dozen rooms to host over 5,000 meetings and events per year, Heritage is now better equipped than ever to serve as a hub for the conservative movement.

Barb Van Andel-Gaby, Chairman of Heritage’s Board of Trustees, gave the following statement:

Today's expansion ensures Heritage will continue the profound impact it's had on shaping public policy for many more decades to come. Heritage's growing presence guarantees the American people have a permanent outpost in our nation's capital and a state-of-the-art building to support the growing conservative movement. It was a tremendous honor to join Dr. Roberts, the entire Heritage team, fellow trustees, friends, and family in celebrating the grand opening.

Under the leadership of Dr. Kevin Roberts, Heritage has achieved significant milestones and expanded its reach across the country. Every day, Heritage engages over 10 million members, supporters, and concerned Americans, making it the broadest fundraising base in the conservative movement. In 2023, Heritage raised a historic $150 million in support of its mission, setting a new annual record. As of April 2024, Heritage is projecting another record-breaking year and is investing those resources across its growing portfolio of activities nationwide, demonstrating its continued commitment to save and strengthen America.

News Releases

Heritage Foundation Announces New Innovation Prize for the Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists

May 20, 2024 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today announced that it has selected the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) as a recipient of the Heritage Innovation Prize.  

AAPLOG will receive a $100,000 award in support of their Abortion Pill Reversal Education and Recruitment Project and its efforts to utilize Continuing Medical Education (CME) alongside an extensive media campaign to reach physicians, patients, insurance providers, and everyday Americans nationwide with the truth about abortion pill reversals, which have ultimately saved 4,500 lives to date.    

AAPLOG’s organizational vision is to be the pre-eminent medical voice that informs the medical community, policy makers and the public on the importance of declining to use death as a therapeutic option, which respects the dignity of all human life and prohibits the taking of a life by a medical practitioner, including the lives of pre-born children. 

Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts released a statement upon announcement of the award:  

“As a nation, we must rally behind a culture of revitalizing and supporting life and our solemn duty to defend the lives of the unborn. It is an honor to celebrate and support the work and tenacious advocacy efforts by AAPLOG in their noble mission of preserving the dignity of all human life and educating our nation of the harmful consequences of the pro-abortion industry.” 

Christina Francis, MD, Chief Executive Officer of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), also released a statement:  

"Abortion pill rescue (APR) is an evidence-based therapy that has saved the lives of thousands of children whose mothers began a chemical abortion but changed their minds. Unfortunately, APR is under attack by political actors who wish to ban this lifesaving treatment. As an organization representing more than 7000 medical professionals, AAPLOG understands the importance of more physicians providing this option for women.  Thanks to the Heritage Foundation's Innovation prize, we will be able to launch an online medical course that will empower physicians with the profound scientific support for APR they need to feel confident in providing it - providing women with a second chance at choice and their children a second chance at life" 

The Heritage Innovation Prize recognizes and provides substantive financial awards totaling up to $1 million annually to results-oriented nonprofits for projects involving research, litigation, education, outreach, or communications, particularly those focused on empowering parents in education, holding Big Tech accountable, countering the threat of the Chinese Communist Party, securing America’s borders and reducing crime, ensuring free and fair elections, reducing the growth of spending and inflation, and promoting life and family formation. 

This is the fourth round of Heritage Innovation Prizes to be awarded. In 2023, winners of the Prize included Communio, the National Association of Scholars, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Speech First, and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. These awards are sponsored by The Heritage Foundation’s robust endowment for innovative conservative projects. 

For more information on the most recent Innovation Prize awards, read here, or for information on the inaugural awards, read here. For more information about the prize itself, read here


Victoria Coates

Victoria is Vice President of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute fo...

Virginia Allen @Virginia_Allen5

Virginia is a Senior News Producer and Podcast Host for The Daily Signal.

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