Health Care Reform


Health Care Reform

Health care reform should be a patient-centered, market-based alternative that empowers individuals to control the dollars and decisions regarding their health care.


Health Care Choices and Premiums Under Obamacare: Numbers By State

Health Care Choices Resource Kit


Get a copy of the book, “No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care” 


Tim Roney / Contributor / Getty Images

Iron Ladies Network

A national security network for conservative women, hosted by The Heritage Foundation,

that honors the legacy of Lady Margaret Thatcher.


Iron Ladies

Margaret Thatcher was a strong and principled stateswoman who challenged the status quo and became a role model for generations of young conservative women working in national security. She is the original Iron Lady for whom this network is named.


This network advances the leadership and professional development of conservative women in the field of national security through leadership training, mentoring, and networking opportunities, as well as high-level speaker events and skills workshops to guide the next generation of “Iron Ladies.”

Iron Ladies

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.

Lady Margaret Thatcher


A mix of professional women in their early and mid-careers who work across the national security space in Capitol Hill offices, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, private sector companies, and government.


The Network hosts monthly in-person dinners to discuss an “issue of the month” with high-level speakers including former senior government officials, Members of Congress, and conservative thought leaders.

Past events include:

  • Afternoon Tea with the Rt Honorable Former U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss
  • Visit to the U.K. Embassy with Ambassador Karen Pierce
  • “The Nexus Between Intelligence and Policy” with the Institute of World Politics
  • “Crafting a National Security Strategy” with Dr. Nadia Schadlow
  • “Marketing Yourself in D.C.” with Erin Walsh, Jamie Burke, and Mira Ricardel
News Releases

The Heritage Foundation Awards Christopher F. Rufo The 2024 Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship

May 22, 2024 3 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced Wednesday that it awarded the 2024 Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship to Christopher F. Rufo, a writer, activist, journalist, and documentary filmmaker who is leading the fight against critical race theory (CRT), diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and the gender movement in American institutions. 

Taking aim at CRT in schools, corporate giants like Disney, hospitals engaging in so-called “gender-affirming” care of minors, or most recently NPR, he is at the forefront of the key battles to renew the foundations of America and rid the world of the scourge of identity politics. His exposés and activism have influenced presidential orders and legislation in 15 states to enact state bans on the teaching of critical race theory and radical gender indoctrination in American schools. 

Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the award: 

“Woke ideologies are infiltrating America’s institutions. We cannot afford to sit back as a small but vocal contingent of radical activists tear down the very fabric of our nation. Christopher Rufo has stood firm and contested this rot. He has been a leading figure in exposing how modern-day progressivism endangers our American way of life.

“From critical theory in our children's classrooms and DEI infecting higher education/bureaucracy to woke and weaponized ESG in American boardrooms, his tireless efforts have brought these critical issues to the forefront of American's minds and paved the way for vital solutions. Heritage is delighted to award him the 2024 Salvatori Prize, and we commend him for his commitment to upholding the principles of the American Founding.”    

Accepting the award at the Heritage Strategy Forum, Rufo said:   

“America faces a cultural revolution. A new wave of progressivism is undermining our country’s institutions. If the American public is unaware of this cultural crisis, our country could soon cease to exist. I am honored to receive the prestigious Salvatori Prize from The Heritage Foundation—the premier conservative organization fighting to advance traditional American values. I look forward to working more with Heritage to counter these evil ideologies and reveal the truth to the American people.” 

Background: The Salvatori Prize is given annually to “an American citizen or organization who upholds and advances the principles of the American Founding, embodies the virtues of character and mind that animated the Founders and exemplifies the spirit of independent and entrepreneurial citizenship in the United States.” It is given under the namesake of Henry Salvatori, who was an immigrant, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and dedicated conservative activist. 

Previous recipients include Students for Fair Admissions, Tucker Carlson, Moms for Liberty, the Washington Free Beacon, Mollie Hemingway, Dr. Robert Jackson, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the Green and Hahns families, and former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson. 

Christopher Rufo is also the author of America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything. In his best-selling novel, he does a deep dive into the infiltration of Marxist ideology into our institutions and popular culture. He traces this long march of radicalization from the campus to government to the board room, culminating in a call to action to fight back and reclaim these institutions. And, he helped launch the New College of Florida, where they are charting a different path to revitalize the classical liberal arts tradition and restore the original mission of the college.


Jun 20

11:00am - 1:00pm

Heritage Innovation Prizes

Financially supporting innovative projects, bold strategies, and highly creative policy solutions

that help to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.


The Heritage Foundation awards the Innovation Prizes to financially support innovative solutions to the most pressing issues facing America. The Heritage Innovation Prizes recognize and provide substantive financial awards that, in total, amount to $1 million annually to results-oriented non-profits for projects involving research, litigation, education, outreach, or communications.  

Why the Innovation Prize?

The Heritage Foundation established the Innovation Prizes in 2022 to recognize and advance innovative projects, strategies, and policy solutions of organizations that are seeking to ensure the future of American self-governance. The Innovation Prizes are intended to spark creative disruption within the conservative movement, particularly in the following key areas: empowering parents to make education choices, securing America’s borders and reducing crime, ensuring free and fair elections, reducing the growth of spending and inflation, countering the threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), holding Big Tech accountable, protecting unborn life and family formation, and promoting leadership development and preparing for 2025. The following statement from Heritage Foundation President, Kevin Roberts, further articulates the vision behind the Innovation Prizes:  

“America is at one of the most critical turning points in her history. The only way we will save our republic is if the American people stand up and take action to defeat radical leftists and the destruction they are unleashing on our country. The conservative movement must go on offense like never before against those trying to bring down the nation from within. The American people are looking for bold and innovative leaders who are willing to call out this radicalism for what it is, but also provide ideas and solutions to the problems millions are facing today. 
“That’s why Heritage created the Innovation Prize. It’s about serving the movement and uniting conservatives—particularly outside the Beltway—to defeat the destructive ideology and designs of the radical left. As we have for nearly five decades, Heritage will be focused not just on winning policy fights here in Washington, behind enemy lines, but helping the movement take the battle to the left throughout the country as we fight to save America’s future.” 

Kevin Roberts, Ph.D 
The Heritage Foundation 

Read the press release here


Heritage Innovation Prize

Heritage Innovation Prize

May 22, 2024



Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) organization in good standing. New or existing groups, and those operating at the state or national level, are encouraged to apply, provided that they are requesting support for an innovative project. Only applications that are project-specific, rather than general operating support, will be considered. 

Priority will be given to those projects that: 

  • Empower parents to make their own education choices  
  • Secure our borders and reduce crime  
  • Ensure free and fair elections  
  • Reduce the growth of government spending and inflation  
  • Counter the threat of Communist China  
  • Hold Big Tech accountable  
  • Protect unborn life and family formation  
  • Promote leadership development and prepare for 2025  

Learn more about these issues here



Applications for the Innovation Prizes are currently closed. Applications for the next round will be accepted starting on November 1st, 2024.

Prior to submitting a full application, we encourage you to reach out to see if your project and organization would be a good fit for the Innovation Prize. Feel free to email us a brief project description, and if the project falls within the guidelines and objectives of the Innovation Prize, you will be notified and encouraged to apply for the next round.   

Email inquiries can be sent to [email protected], and we will follow up with you.   

Applicants will be required to provide the following: 

  • A description of the project, its objectives, desired outcome, and timetable 
  • A project budget, specific request for an award amount, and supporting documentation  
  • A list of the participants in the project and their qualifications  
  • A description of the organization, list of the board of directors, the total operating budget for the current fiscal year, and annual report    
  • Copy of the IRS determination letter confirming 501(c)(3) status  

Additional information may be requested if needed for further evaluation.  


2024 Innovation Prize Winners 

2023 Innovation Prize Winners

2022 Innovation Prize Winners


Prior to submitting a full application, we encourage you to reach out to see if your project would be a good fit for the Innovation Prize. Feel free to email us a brief project description, and if the project falls within the guidelines and objectives of the Innovation Prize, you will be notified and encouraged to submit an application. Email inquiries can be sent to [email protected], and we will follow up with you.

No, there is no fee.  

Yes. There is no requirement regarding the age of the institution.  

No, but it is anticipated that Heritage will help to publicize the awarded project, and prize recipients may collaborate with Heritage and other groups in their efforts.    

Applicants will be notified that their application has been received, and applicants may be asked to answer further questions or take part in a more detailed discussion of your project.  

Prize winners will be notified by The Heritage Foundation privately, followed by a public announcement.    

A report detailing the impact of the project is expected.  



Questions and letters of inquiry may be sent to [email protected]  


Heritage President Responds to Deadly Force Authorization Against President Donald J. Trump

May 22, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action President Kevin Roberts released the following statement Wednesday after reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was prepared to use deadly force when raiding the residence of former President Donald J. Trump in August of 2022:

“Americans of all political leanings should be outraged, and frankly shaken to the bone, by the latest details concerning the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago. President Biden’s Attorney General gave the FBI the green light to use deadly force in storming the home of a former and potential future president without advance notice and without regard to who might have been in the residence.

“For his entire term, President Biden’s weaponization of the federal government against not just his political opponent, but against parents, people of faith, and conservatives is unprecedented and a grave threat to our constitutional republic. Our political leaders in Washington must step up to the plate to hold this administration accountable, and as I have said before, the FBI should be started over from scratch and rebuilt from the ground up. The very fabric of our nation depends upon it.”

News Releases

Heritage Foundation Announces New Innovation Prize for the Claremont Institute

May 20, 2024 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced Monday that it has selected the Claremont Institute to receive the Heritage Innovation Prize. 

The Claremont Institute, with the support of this $100,000 award, will spearhead the American Heartland Fellowship. This transformative initiative will educate promising leaders in critical industries and states with the principles of the American Founding and will equip and connect them to use that knowledge in practical and influential ways to ensure that Americans have robust, independent structures of capital, media, communications, and other vital infrastructure free from the influence of progressive institutional power.

Heritage President Kevin Roberts released a statement congratulating the Claremont Institute on receiving this award:

“The Heritage Foundation’s Innovation Prize was established with a clear mission: to bolster our stalwart allies—like the Claremont Institute—in the conservative movement's battle against the Left and its anti-American agenda. Claremont's American Heartland Fellowship embodies a noble pursuit, shaping the next generation of leaders to uphold the timeless values of our nation's Founding Fathers. Heritage takes great pride in endorsing this remarkable organization.” 

The Claremont Institute's president Ryan Williams released the following statement upon announcement of the award:   

“The Claremont Institute has been teaching American founding principles and their application to our pressing national controversies to American leaders since we were founded in 1979. Our alumni are now everywhere, in media, policy, law, academia, politics, speechwriting, and law enforcement. We are grateful to The Heritage Foundation for their support of our newest expansion of this vital work, The Heartland fellowship, a program for civic-minded business leaders who want to understand how we got to our current crisis and how best to defend and revive the American way of life.” 

This is the fourth round of Heritage Innovation Prizes to be awarded. In 2023, winners of the Prize included Communio, the National Association of Scholars, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Speech First, and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. These awards are sponsored by The Heritage Foundation’s robust endowment for innovative conservative projects. 

For more information on the most recent Innovation Prize awards, read here, or for information on the inaugural awards, read here. For more information about the prize itself, read here

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