


Progressivism is an ideology contrary to founding American principles. Progressivism’s core tenants include big government programs, identity politics, and the crushing of dissenting views. 


Learn more about a wide range of policies that return America to the principles of its Founding with Solutions.


What Americans Must Know About Socialism.

Samantha Aschieris

Samantha is a Senior News Producer for The Daily Signal.

Tony Kinnett

Tony is an Investigative Columnist for The Daily Signal.

Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the Chief News Correspondent at The Daily Signal.

Ken McIntyre @KenMac55

Ken is a Senior Editor for The Daily Signal.

Tyler O’Neil Tyler2ONeil

Tyler is Managing Editor of The Daily Signal.

Mary Margaret Olohan @MaryMargOlohan

Mary Margaret is a Senior Reporter for The Daily Signal.

Peter Parisi

Peter serves as Copy Editor for The Daily Signal.