Why Brexit Is Great for the UK and the USA

Event Europe
Event Europe

October 5, 2017 Why Brexit Is Great for the UK and the USA

Owen Paterson was one of the leading Conservative voices in the 2016 Brexit campaign and has been an ardent supporter of Great Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Thursday, Oct 5, 2017

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC

Featured Speakers

The Right Honourable Owen Paterson


UK Member of Parliament for North Shropshire, former UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and former UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


Owen Paterson was one of the leading Conservative voices in the 2016 Brexit campaign and has been an ardent supporter of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union. As preparations for leaving the EU in 2019 continue, he has called on the United States and the United Kingdom to move forward with a post-EU free trade agreement and believes that the Special Relationship will be greatly strengthened through Brexit. Join us as Mr. Paterson outlines the challenges ahead as the UK forges its path as a sovereign, free trading nation, free of the shackles of Brussels, and explains why America has much to gain from Brexit.

Owen Paterson has been a Member of Parliament since 1997 and was appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in May 2010 and made a Privy Counsellor. During the September 2012 reshuffle, he became the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  In July 2014 Paterson returned to the backbenches. Later that year he founded the think tank UK 2020 in order to research and publish optimistic, outward-looking, electorally viable conservative policies as a vital contribution to the Conservative Party.

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