The Death of Think Tanks in the Era of Trump

Event Conservatism

February 7, 2017 The Death of Think Tanks in the Era of Trump

The role of think tanks has risen significantly over the past half century. As President Trump continues to fill his administration with successful businesspeople and military leaders, it seems he is determined to change that narrative.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

Lehrman Auditorium

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC


The role of think tanks has risen significantly over the past half century. Increasingly, Washington, D.C.-based think tanks have served as a resource for newly elected politicians, including presidential administrations. These "newcomers" draw on think tanks for potential staff members and policy support. 

As President Trump continues to fill his administration with successful businesspeople and military leaders, it seems he is determined to change that narrative. The think tank community must now ask itself what its role will be in this new era. Is this the death of think tanks as we have come to know them? Join us for a discussion on the evolution and future of think tanks in the era of the Trump Administration.


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